Have you always wondered what it would be like to illustrate a comic about a sheep who speaks in haiku? Now is your chance!!
I (Big Al, the gal) tore a ligament in my drawing hand (long story involving an angry shark and some floss) and I want YOU to illustrate a week of Haiku Ewe for me!
Email a sketch of the following haiku to haikuewe@gmail.com:
Friends suggest mischiefThough farmer strictly forbidsIt looks really funThe best drawing will win its creator a week as the Haiku Ewe illustrator! I’ll email the other four haikus for that week and you can get to work. Your artwork will be seen by
thousands of people and it will go live the week of July 27-31, 2009.
* Deadline for entries is midnight July 3, 2009.
** Winner will be announced July 6, 2009.
*** No entries from family members of Big Al, the gal, or Haiku Ewe will be considered.
**** Please note: rough sketches are fine, submissions don’t need to be final art, but please keep the files small!